Browse Items (25 total)

Youth identities and affinities on the move
A number of literacy theorists have worked to describe what is new and different about youth enactments of literacy in the digital age. In doing so, many invoke “digital dichotomies,” or oppositional framings meant to differentiate among various…

The complexity of a globalized world, accelerating technological advances, and rapid change challenge educational systems. Around the world the call is to develop 21st century skills with a focus on career readiness, ability for lifelong learning,…

Virtually full-hearted
It was March 2020. Our cities and towns locked down; our elementary, middle, and high schools boarded up. Our universities too. And we learned they wouldn’t be opening any time soon.As directors of California Writing Project sites at FresnoState, CSU…

In this study, we examined using a Disciplinary Literacy Project (DLP) to develop secondary agricultural education preservice teachers’ disciplinary literacy perspectives and practices. Our findings revealed that the three preservice teachers…

Twenty important research questions in microbial exposure and social equity
Social and political policy, human activities, and environmental change affect the ways in which microbial communities assemble and interact with people. These factors determine how different social groups are exposed to beneficial and/or harmful…

Teacher education programs to prepare those who teach language-minoritized students many times continue to uphold modernist conceptions of language and bilingualism. Translanguaging disrupts the logic that nation-states have constructed around…

In this article, we examine how children ages 8 to 10 characterized the audiences of digital videos they made in school. Children’s perceptions of their viewers reflected, and in many cases complicated, current theorizing about the vast potential…

The transition from high school to college is challenging for many students, especially first‐generation college students. College courses require disciplinary specific reading, writing, and thinking skills not often taught in high school, such as…

One approach to support students with ASD in general education classrooms is peer-mediated instruction and intervention (PMII). PMII is an evidence-based practice in which peers serve to support both the academic achievement and social-skill…

This article documents the design and implementation of a culturally responsive critical media literacies curriculum centered around media representations of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Students (grades 6-8) were invited to discuss media…

Let’s build a fast car
In the block area, two preschoolers, Lili and Russel, are searching through a box of Lego bricks to fifind ideal pieces for their constructions. “Look what I have found!” Lili dangles her discovery in front of Russel—a pair of wheels with a metal…

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Emotion regulation—as a vital part of children’s development, school readiness, and academic success—begins to develop in infancy and toddler time. Much of the research on toddler emotion regulation are correlational studies in laboratory settings.…

Research suggests that evidence-based practices (EBPs) implemented in secondary school settings will support the academic achievement of students with specific learning needs (Scruggs, Mastropieri, Berkeley, & Graetz, 2010). In order to…

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Culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP) has been espoused by many as a necessary philosophy to adopt in education. Yet beginning teachers often struggle to support the needs of linguistically and culturally diverse children. Some have posited that these…

Guest editors’ introduction
Firstly, thank you for reading this special issue of English Teaching: Practice and Critique. This was a project conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic; we are thankful to have had the ability to work online and stay connected as colleagues and to be…

Flipping the script
Even in online and distance formats, multimodal composition can be a means of sustaining culture and engaging children. The Teach Us project combines multimodal composition, family cultural resources, and student voice.

Exploring patterns of advocacy and well-being
Advocacy is often an expectation for parents of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). However, little is known about how advocacy may impact parent well-being, including stress, family dynamics, and marital relationships.…

Exploring critical reflection in a virtual learning community in teacher education-2.jpg
In this naturalistic study, we examined the reflective thinking of 39 pre-service teachers (PSTs) in an introductory curriculum, instruction, and technology course as they engaged in an online virtual learning community. Our framework considers both…

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Editors' Introduction

CWP response to Conley
As leaders of the California Writing Project (CWP), we were delighted with Amy Conley’s endorsement of CWP as a source of beneficial professional development to support teachers in their writing instruction. In “Imagining the Future of Literacy…
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