Browse Items (356 total)

Situating Native American Studies and Red Feminisms
This essay aims to show that serious and robust engagement with Native American Studies and Red feminist research, methods, and theories contribute to the epistemological core of Ethnic Studies and produce new and important understandings of…

This study explored the social network properties and the correlates between social networks and subjective wellbeing of adults (N = 80) in a Housing First (HF) program. Using structured interviews, participants’ social network…

The relationship between the United States and Spain evolved rapidly over the course of the nineteenth century, culminating in hostility during the Spanish–American War. However, scholarship on literary connections between the two nations has been…

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Roadside Transportation-2.jpg
o promote active transportation modes (such as bike ride and walking), and to create safer communities for easier access to transit, it is essential to provide consolidated data-driven transportation information to the public. The relevant and timely…

Statistical skills for the workplace
Teaching statistics with Excel can be quite rewarding. It is much more likely to be used by students beyond the classroom than programs such as SPSS or Stata. Excel offers everything needed to teach introductory-level statistics at the undergraduate…

Field relationships in the Franciscan Complex of California suggest localization of subduction slip in narrow zones (≤300 m thick) at the depths of ~10–80 km. Accretionary and non-accretionary subduction slip over the ca. 150 Ma of Franciscan history…

Suction feeding is a well-understood feeding mode among macroscopic aquatic organisms. The little we know about small suction feeders from larval fish suggests that small suction feeders are not effective. Yet bladderworts, an aquatic carnivorous…

Teacher confidence with technology is essential during times of rapid changes in digital technologies. In this study, we draw on theoretical accounts from creativity research and the educational technology literature to characterize an approach to…

Increased demand in consumer choice has resulted in a wide variety of egg selection available in the retail market. Specialty and designer chicken eggs represent a portion of the table egg market that is increasing in size. Egg quality is known to be…

Teaching and learning during the pandemic
This design case describes the design process and decisions of facilitating a week-long course on virtual teaching strategies taught by three facilitators, one in Vietnam and two in the United States at the onset of the COVD-19 pandemic. Participants…

Human beings as objects, and we are objects inter alia, offer information, even knowledge. And yet, in a society marked by pervasive identity prejudice, even objects do not offer neutral facts. Here, I argue that the harms imposed on those who suffer…

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The Cognitive Rigor Matrix superposes two of the most common tools used in K-12 education: Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy and Depth of Knowledge. This matrix has been adopted by numerous state departments of education and national organizations to evaluate…

Five probing papers that were first presented at a conference entitled, "The Committee of Union and Progress: Founders, Ideology, and Structure" organized by the Armenian Studies Program at California State University, Fresno, between October 12-13,…

Combining occurrence rates of rocky exoplanets about sun-like stars, with the number of such stars that occupy possibly hospitable regions of the Milky Way, we estimate that at least 1.4 × 108 near-Earth-sized planets occupy habitable orbits about…

Prior research on classification shifting finds that managers opportunistically shift core operating expenses down the income statement into the non-recurring expenses category to improve earnings metrics that are not based on Generally Accepted…

This study examined the knowledge gained and behavioral changes made by vocal performers after attending a vocal hygiene education program. A single-group, pretest-posttest research design was utilized to examine the improvement of voice care…

This study examines the effects of mandatory expensing of stock options on corporate investment after the passage of SFAS-123R. First, we find an increase in corporate investment such as R&D investment and capital expenditure in the…

The effects of technological professional development training on faculty’s perceptions
This study reports on the effects of professional development (PD) training programs on faculty’s perceptions and uses of technology for teaching and learning using mixed methods. Collected data include survey questionnaires to faculty at a school of…

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Background: Given the protective effects of shared family mealtimes and the importance of family in the Hispanic culture, this context should be explored further to determine how it can be leveraged and optimized for interventions. Objective: This…

“The eyes are the window of the soul” is a staple cliché in many cultures, but is there any truth to this concept, of any potential importance in the forensic realm? The present study addressed this question in two experiments. It was shown that…
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