Browse Items (143 total)

Bishop, Michael, Reconciling a quantum gravity-1.jpg
Generic arguments lead to the idea that quantum gravity has a minimal length scale. A possible observational signal of such a minimal length scale is that photons should exhibit dispersion. In 2009, the observation of a short gamma ray burst seemed…

A search for lepton-flavor-violating Z→eτ and Z→μτ decays with pp collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. This analysis uses 139  fb−1 of Run 2 pp collisions at √s=13  TeV and is combined…

A search for new phenomena is presented in final states with two leptons and one or no b-tagged jets. The event selection requires the two leptons to have opposite charge, the same flavor (electrons or muons), and a large invariant mass. The analysis…

Objective. Lead (Pb) is a well-known toxic element. In vivo bone Pb concentration measurement is a long-term exposure metric complementary to blood Pb concentration measurement which is a metric of recent exposure. In vivo human tibia bone Pb…

We report the results of a muon spin relaxation study of slow magnetic fluctuations in the pseudogap phase of underdoped single-crystalline YBa2Cu3Oy,y=6.77 and 6.83. The dependence of the dynamic muon spin relaxation rate on applied magnetic field…

A lab activity for teaching students the fundamentals of statistical analysis by timing pulsar periods is described. The electromagnetic pulses of pulsars have been mapped to sound and uploaded on social media channels, allowing students to “listen”…

In this paper we correct previous work on magnetic charge plus a photon mass. We show that contrary to previous claims this system has a very simple, closed form solution which is the Dirac string potential multiplied by a exponential decaying part.…

We construct nonassociative quasi-stationary solutions describing deformations of Schwarzschild black holes, BHs, to ellipsoid configurations, which can be black ellipsoids, BEs, and/or BHs with ellipsoidal accretion disks. Such solutions are defined…

Many-body physics poses one of the greatest challenges to science in the 21st century. Still more daunting is the problem of accurately calculating the properties of quantum many-body systems in the strongly correlated regime. Cold atomic gases…

Salmeron, Payne, _ Hegr_2021-1.jpg
Cats who engage in aggression in animal shelters may be less likely to be adopted and are at risk for euthanasia. Currently, the best methods for reducing aggressive behavior exhibited by cats are unclear. Functional analysis (FA) is an assessment…

Objectives In 2013, the burials of 36 individuals of putative African ancestry were discovered during renovation of the Gaillard Center in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. The Charleston community facilitated a bioarchaeological and…

"This reader-friendly exploration of the primary forces relevant to punishment—poverty and political powerlessness—highlights the necessity for humane alternatives to our current incarceration binge. This provocative overview looks at the business of…

As decentralisation reforms devolved greater responsibilities to local governments, improving local governance has become central to strengthening democracy. With the promise of increasing citizen representation and government transparency at the…

This book examines the meat provision system of Rio de Janeiro from the 1850s to the 1930s. Until the 1920s, Rio was Brazil's economic hub, main industrial city, and prime consumer market. Meat consumption was an indicator of living standards and a…

In this chapter, we (two scholars of Color) critically reflect on our time teaching diversity required courses to predominantly white pre-service teachers at a predominately white institution (PWI). We frame our reflections using Critical Race Theory…

2021 HammonsRobart Family food environ during COVID.jpg
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic, with its cyclical lockdown restrictions and school closures, has influenced family life. The home, work, and school environments have collided and merged to form a new normal for many families. This merging extends…

2021 McKenzie _ Xiong - IJIR - transnational marriage in Thailand.jpg
Around the world, intercultural contact prompted by modern globalization has reconstituted private dimensions of people’s lives. One such private dimension that has been significantly reshaped is that of kinship networks, due in part to the…

2021 Pronovost _ Scott - social categories and agent preferences.jpg
Adults use social-group membership to make inductive inferences about the properties of novel individuals, and this tendency is well established by the preschool years. Recent evidence suggests that infants attend to features associated with social…

We examined the recidivism rates and the predictive validity of the Static-99R in 335 men who were detained or civilly committed and released from California State Hospitals pursuant to the Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) Act, and followed up for…
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